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January 2024



Join MEMSI (MIT Entrepreneurship and Maker Skills Integrator) to collaborate with fellow MIT students and learn from industry experts to innovate for the aviation sector and transform your ideas into impactful solutions!


MEMSI 2024 (January 15 - 26, 2024) is a two-week, intensive tech startup bootcamp for aspiring entrepreneurs who attend MIT or universities in Hong Kong. The in-person program is designed for those who want to advance their skills in entrepreneurship, prototyping, product development and business modelling with fellow innovators across geographies. We will be partnering with the Hong Kong International Airport to tackle unique customer needs. Please apply if you are interested in developing digital and/or mobile innovations with a strong emphasis on data-driven technologies and insights.


We are recruiting students across broad fields of business, computer engineering, data analytics, UX/UI design and more, with a preference for Year 3 undergraduates and above (including postgraduate level, incoming or current Master’s students and PhD’s). You must be a current student pursuing a full-time degree bearing program at one of the UGC universities to be eligible.


This year, MIT students will be coming to Hong Kong for the in-person bootcamp. Not only will you cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and establish valuable connections with industry mentors, but you will also have the exceptional opportunity to collaborate with MIT students, forge lifelong friendships, and become part of an international community.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until November 15 for Hong Kong students, this is your chance to
 apply now!

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9 February 2023

“Urban Technology Week 2023: MIT Node and CUHK Stanley Ho Big Data Decision Analytics Research Centre”  seminar (and in-person info-session) for CUHK students.


Are you ready to put what you have learned into action and solve real-world challenges? Come join us! We are looking for undergraduate and graduate students of all disciplines from all Hong Kong universities and MIT to join our Urban Technology Week 2023.


In collaboration with MITdesignX this year, our two-week workshop (10-21 July) will be held in person at MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node! Throughout the two weeks, you will interact closely with local decision-makers, industry professionals, and domain experts from Hong Kong and MIT. You will work in groups with other Hong Kong and MIT students of diverse backgrounds to create solutions for our industry partners. Our star-studded judging panel can’t wait to hear about your innovative solutions at our competition and showcase held on 26 August, 2023.


This workshop is free-of-charge, and this is your chance to know more and join us!


Sign up for info sessions (zoom) now!

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13 October 2022

Artificial intelligence (#AI) in Hong Kong is being used for everything from identifying neurological disorders, to inspecting manufactured parts for defects.

Researchers at CUHK tell Nature how their AI technologies help computers to see and hear more efficiently:


28 April 2022

Hong Kong Students Application Deadline: May 30, 2022 (rolling basis). Learn more about the program through the info session recording here or visit the program website at

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22 January 2022

Congratulations to the winner of MEMSI 2022 Showcase!


22 December 2021

Source: 東周網 (Read more)

【《中大創新》系列—蒙美玲教授  懂聽能說的人工智能】




30 September 2021

MEMSI 2022 - Online infosession on September 30, 2021 | 5pm HKT for Hong Kong students!



Info-session: Learn more at our upcoming zoom info-session held September 30, 2021 | 5pm HKT for Hong Kong students!


Join MEMSI (MIT Entrepreneurship and Maker Skills Integrator) to unleash your inner entrepreneur, network with industry domain experts and turn ideas into products that matter!


MEMSI 2022 (January 8-22, 2022) is a 14-day, intensive tech startup bootcamp for aspiring entrepreneurs who attend MIT or universities in Hong Kong. The hybrid program is designed for those who want to advance their skills in entrepreneurship, prototyping, product development and business modelling with fellow innovators across geographies. 


We are recruiting students across broad fields of business, computer engineering, data analytics, UX/UI design and more, with a preference for Year 3 undergraduates and above (including postgraduate level, incoming or current Master’s students and PhD’s). You must be a current student pursuing a full-time degree bearing program at one of the UGC universities to be eligible.


Learn more and apply at our program website:


Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Email for enquires.


27 April 2021

MEFTI 2021 - Online infosession

MIT Entrepreneurship & FinTech Integrator (MEFTI) is an immersive FinTech program (hybrid format) that will hone your problem-solving skills for business challenges and build cultural competency in one of Asia’s leading financial markets. 


>>Join our online info-session on Tuesday April 27th @ 6:30pm HKT to learn more! Sign-up here:

For more details, please visit: 

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9-23 January 2021

Shape the future of aviation innovation!


Join MEMSI (MIT Entrepreneurship and Maker Skills Integrator) to unleash your inner entrepreneur, network with global domain experts and turn ideas into products that matter for the aviation sector through the perspectives of our industry partner – Hong Kong Airport Authority.


MEMSI 2021 (January 9-23, 2021) is a two-week-long, intensive tech startup bootcamp for aspiring entrepreneurs who attend MIT or universities in Hong Kong. The virtual program is designed for those who want to advance their skills in entrepreneurship, prototyping, product development and business modelling with fellow innovators across geographies. 


We are recruiting students across broad fields of business, computer engineering, data analytics, UX/UI design and more, with a preference for Year 3 undergraduates and above (including postgraduate level, incoming or current Master’s students and PhD’s). You must be a current student pursuing a full-time degree bearing program at CUHK to be eligible.


Learn more and apply at our program website: (Application deadline has been extended to Nov 30, 2020)


Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Email for enquires.

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14 October 2020

Source: 大通報 (Read more)

本文為2020年6月23日「可持續發展目標論壇系列」第四講「人工智能時代下的可持續發展」的講座摘要紀錄。可持續發展目標(SDGs)目標3是「確保健康及促進各年齡層的福祉」, 而目標13則是「採取緊急措施以因應氣候變遷及其影響」。前者是個人與社會範疇的目標,後者是環境範疇的目標。環境與健康固然關係密切,時至今日,兩者都可以運用人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)技術,協助解決一些過去難以解決的問題。

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13 & 16 October 2020

MEMSI 2021 - Online infosessions



Are you curious about what it takes to turn your ideas into products that matter? Interested in building a tech startup with fellow student innovators?

Join us for an online info session to learn how MEMSI (MIT Entrepreneurship and Maker Skills Integrator) can unleash your inner entrepreneur! 

MEMSI 2021 (January 9-23, 2021) is a two-week-long, intensive tech startup bootcamp for aspiring entrepreneurs who attend MIT or universities in Hong Kong. The hybrid program is designed for those who want to advance their skills in entrepreneurship, prototyping, product development and business modelling.

We are recruiting students across broad fields of business, computer engineering, data analytics, UX/UI design and more, with a preference for Year 3 undergraduates and above (including postgraduate level, incoming or current Master’s students and PhD’s). You must be a current student pursuing a full-time degree bearing program at one of the UGC universities in Hong Kong to be eligible. 


Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity and we look forward to meeting you at one of the info sessions!

Registration and info link:

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24 July 2020

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new web application — Data on COVID-19. Please visit it at This web application was jointly developed by the research teams led by Professor Helen Meng at Stanley Ho Big Data Decision Analytics Research Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Samuel Yeung-shan Wong and Professor Kin On Kwok at The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It collects respiratory data for studying diseases such as COVID-19 to help us understand and fight against them.  

23 June 2020


網上報名 Online reservation:
中大學生及教職員 CUHK students and staff:
校友及公眾人士報名 Public audience:

The details of the talk can be found at:


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