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Publications - Professor Kelvin KF TSOI



  • Yim, S. H., Huang, T., Ho, J. M., Lam, A. S., Yau, S. T., Yuen, T. W., ... & Sung, J. J. (2022). Rise and fall of lung cancers in relation to tobacco smoking and air pollution: A global trend analysis from 1990 to 2012. Atmospheric Environment, 269, 118835. [link]

  • Tsoi, KK, Sung, JJ, Lee, HW, Yiu, KK, Fung, H., & Wong, SY (2021). The way forward after COVID-19 vaccination: vaccine passports with blockchain to protect personal privacy. BMJ Innovations , 7 (2).[link]

  • Li, J., Lam, A. S., Yau, S. T., Yiu, K. K., & Tsoi, K. K. (2021). Antihypertensive treatments and risks of lung Cancer: a large population-based cohort study in Hong Kong. BMC cancer, 21(1), 1-9. [link]

  • Tsoi, K., Yiu, K., Lee, H., Cheng, H. M., Wang, T. D., Tay, J. C., ... & HOPE Asia Network. (2021). Applications of artificial intelligence for hypertension management. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 23(3), 568-574. [link]

  • Bat, B. K., Chan, J. Y., Chan, T. K., Huo, Z., Yip, B. H., Wong, M. C., & Tsoi, K. K. (2021). Comparing drawing under instructions with image copying for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia screening: a meta-analysis of 92 diagnostic studies. Aging & Mental Health, 1-8. [link]


  • Huo, Z., Lin, J., Bat, B. K., Chan, J. Y., Tsoi, K. K., & Yip, B. H. (2021). Diagnostic accuracy of dementia screening tools in the Chinese population: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 167 diagnostic studies. Age and Ageing. [link]


  • Chan, J. Y., Yau, S. T., Kwok, T. C., & Tsoi, K. K. (2021). Diagnostic performance of digital cognitive tests for the identification of MCI and dementia: A systematic review. Ageing research reviews, 72, 101506. [link]


  • Huo, Z., Lin, J., Bat, B. K., Chan, J. Y., Tsoi, K. K., & Yip, B. H. (2021). Diagnostic accuracy of dementia screening tools in the Chinese population: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 167 diagnostic studies. Age and Ageing. [link]


  • Chan, J. Y., Bat, B. K., Wong, A., Chan, T. K., Huo, Z., Yip, B. H., ... & Tsoi, K. K. (2021). Evaluation of Digital Drawing Tests and Paper-and-Pencil Drawing Tests for the Screening of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Diagnostic Studies. Neuropsychology Review, 1-11. [link]


  • Feng, Q., Wong, S. H., Zheng, J., Yang, Q., Sung, J. J., & Tsoi, K. K. (2021). Intake of processed meat, but not sodium, is associated with risk of colorectal cancer: evidence from a large prospective cohort and two-sample Mendelian [link]randomization. Clinical Nutrition. [link]


  • Jia, P., Lee, H. W., Chan, J. Y., Yiu, K. K., & Tsoi, K. K. (2021). Long-term blood pressure variability increases risks of dementia and cognitive decline: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Hypertension, 78(4), 996-1004. [link]


  • Verma, N., Rastogi, S., Chia, Y. C., Siddique, S., Turana, Y., Cheng, H. M., ... & Kario, K. (2021). Non‐pharmacological management of hypertension. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension. [link]


  • Huo, Z., Chan, J. Y., Lin, J., Bat, B. K., Chan, T. K., Tsoi, K. K., & Yip, B. H. (2021). Supporting Informal Caregivers of People With Dementia in Cost-Effective Ways: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Value in Health, 24(12), 1853-1862.[link]


  • Kuo YH, Chan NB, Leung JMY, Meng H, So AM, Tsoi KKF, Graham CA. An Integrated Approach of Machine Learning and Systems Thinking for Waiting Time Prediction in an Emergency Department. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2020 [link]


  • Sung JJY, Ho JMW, Chan FCH, Tsoi KKF. Low-dose aspirin can reduce colorectal cancer mortality after surgery: A 10-year follow-up of 13 528 colorectal cancer patients. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;34:1027-1034.

  • Tsoi KKF, Ho JMW, Chan FCH, Sung JJY. Long-term use of low-dose aspirin for cancer prevention: A 10-year population cohort study in Hong Kong. Int J Cancer. 2019;145:267-273.

  • Lui RN, Tsoi KK, Ho JM, Lo CM, Chan FC, Kyaw MH, Sung JJ. Global Increasing Incidence of Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Across 5 Continents: A Joinpoint Regression Analysis of 1,922,167 Cases. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2019.

  • Sung JJY, Ho JMW, Chan FCH, Tsoi KKF. Low-dose aspirin can reduce colorectal cancer mortality after surgery: A 10-year follow-up of 13 528 colorectal cancer patients. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;34:1027-1034. [link]

  • Tsoi KKF, Ho JMW, Chan FCH, Sung JJY. Long-term use of low-dose aspirin for cancer prevention: A 10-year population cohort study in Hong Kong. Int J Cancer. 2019;145:267-273. [link]

  • Lui RN, Tsoi KK, Ho JM, Lo CM, Chan FC, Kyaw MH, Sung JJ. Global Increasing Incidence of Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Across 5 Continents: A Joinpoint Regression Analysis of 1,922,167 Cases. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2019. [link]

  • Joyce Y.C. Chan, Karen K.L. Yiu, Timothy C.Y. Kwok, Samuel Y.S. Wong, Kelvin K.F. Tsoi. Depression and Antidepressants as Potential Risk Factors in Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of 18 Longitudinal Studies. Journal of The American Medical Directors Association. vol.20 no.3 279-286.e1 pgs. Elsevier, 2019. [link]

  • Tsoi KKF, Chan JYC, Chan FCH, Hirai HW, Kwok TCY, Wong SYS. Monotherapy Is Good Enough for Patients with Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: A Network Meta-Analysis of 76 Randomized Controlled Trials. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. vol.105 no.1 121-130 pgs. 2019. [link]

  • Roger Yat-Nork Chung, Kelvin K.F. Tsoi, Moe Htet Kyaw, Abdul Rashid Lui, Francisco T.T. Lai, Joseph Jao-Yiu Sung. A population-based age-period-cohort study of colorectal cancer incidence comparing Asia against the West. Cancer Epidemiology. vol.59 29-36 pgs. Elsevier, 2019. [link]


  • Kwong TNY, Wang X, Nakatsu G, Chow TC, Tipoe T, Dai RZW, Tsoi KKF, Wong MCS, Tse G, Chan MTV, Chan FKL, Ng SC, Wu JCY, Wu WKK, Yu J, Sung JJY, Wong SH. Association Between Bacteremia From Specific Microbes and Subsequent Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer. Gastroenterology. 2018 Aug;155(2):383-390.e8.

  • Wong SY, Chan JY, Zhang D, Lee EK, Tsoi KK. The Safety of Mindfulness-Based Interventions: a Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Mindfulness.2018:1-4.

  • Woo J, Yu R, Tsoi K, Meng H. Variability in Repeated Blood Pressure Measurements as a Marker of Frailty. J Nutr Health Aging. 2018;22:1122-1127.

  • Tsoi KK, Chan FC, Hirai HW, Sung JJ. Risk of gastrointestinal bleeding and benefit from colorectal cancer reduction from long‐term use of low‐dose aspirin: A retrospective study of 612 509 patients. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018;33:1728-36.

  • Kelvin KF Tsoi, Lingling Zhang, Nicholas B Chan, Felix CH Chan, Hoyee W Hirai, Helen ML Meng. Social media as a tool to look for people with dementia who become lost: factors that matter. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2018.

  • Kelvin KF Tsoi, Felix CH Chan, Hoyee W Hirai, Gary KS Keung, Yong-Hong Kuo, Samson Tai, Helen ML Meng. Data Visualization with IBM Watson Analytics for Global Cancer Trends Comparison from World Health Organization. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics 2018;13:45-54.

  • M. Lam, X. Liu, H. Meng and K. Tsoi Drawing-Based Automatic Dementia Screening Using Gaussian Process Markov Chains, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA



  • Kuo Y.H., Leung J.M.Y., Graham C.A., Tsoi K.K.F., and Meng H., “Using Simulation to Examine Operational Efficiency Enhancement in a Hospital Emergency Room through Adoption of a Fast Service Track." Accepted by the International Symposium on Scheduling, 2017.








  • Kelvin KF Tsoi, Nelson WY Leung, Gary KS Leung, Helen ML Meng. Optical Pattern Recognition for Geometric Images in Dementia Assessment Tools. 17th International Conference on E-health Networking Application & Services. IEEE Healthcom 15.








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